

New ORI Tagging Videos

New ORI Tagging Videos

  Monday, 2020/07/27

"The Oceanographic Research Institute’s Cooperative Fish Tagging Project (ORI-CFTP) has recently released 15 new instructional tagging videos for our new tagging members, current members and members of the angling public. These videos will provide you with the background to the ORI-CFTP and what we need from anglers, as well as give you some important tips on how to be a more aware and responsible angler. "

The Oceanographic Research Institute’s Cooperative Fish Tagging Project (ORI-CFTP) has recently released 15 new instructional tagging videos for our new tagging members, current members and members of the angling public. These videos will provide you with the background to the ORI-CFTP and what we need from anglers, as well as give you some important tips on how to be a more aware and responsible angler.

These tagging videos cover all aspects of the ORI-CFTP including: why tag and release a fish; your tagging kit contents; priority species we would like tagged; different hook types and preparation; how to measure different species; handling, landing and tagging various species from the shore and on a boat; recording and sending in tag release information; and most importantly reporting a recapture and filling in a tag recapture form. Viewers can also see how to handle a fish that may be suffering from barotrauma, a common occurrence in some species caught off a boat.

Included are videos on various hook types, knots and de-barbing hooks that ensure quick and safe hook removal from your fish. For new and existing members there are tips on kit maintenance. We encourage all our tagging members to watch and share these useful videos widely.

We thank South African Association for Marine Biological Research (SAAMBR) for funding, and Billi Jean Parker and Lynton Richards from Blue Oceans Media, for editing and creating these fantastic videos.

Please click here to watch the new Tagging Videos.